Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Why the funny name?

Someone suggested recently that maybe my work life and my church life were tied to closely together. He clearly didn't mean any harm by it, but it got me to thinking...

Are they too closely tied?
If so, what problems does that present?
Do I even have a "work life" that is seperate from my "church life" and my "home life" and my "running life" and my "eating life" and my "blogging life?"

When I first decided to blog, it came out of a desire to really understand and remember what I was reading as our small group goes through the bible in a year. I couldn't remember from day to day what I thought about or what I had read, and so this was more like a journal to me. I was deciding what to call it and thinking about things like, would I talk about work stuff? Would I talk about church stuff? Should I set up multiple blogs for different purposes?

Then I realized, this is who I am. God made me this way- to work for a company to make money so I can help grow His kingdom. He made me to desire to read and seek His word and gave me the gift to teach His word and all of it is stuff I do as part of my everyday, ordinary life- my sleeping, eating, going-to-work and walking-around life. It's all part of what I do, and who I am. I do it All in a life's work. Thus, the appropriate and highly uncreative name. In case you were wondering.

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