Monday, December 15, 2008

Leaders who honor God

So, I'm going through a transition in my life right now. I think it will be a good one, but it's scary nonetheless.

Sometime in the next few weeks, I will move from Director of Operations, with about 350 people reporting to me, to Director of Human Resources, with all of 4 reports. That doesn't bother me so much... I think I've arrived at a place where I understand that the HR department can have a huge affect on a company.

I also am not scared about the big things... I think we'll hire well, I think we'll fire well (yes, you can do that) and I think we'll continue to uphold our unique culture. What I'm most afraid of is that we will miss something- filing some important legal document, or enforcing some important-but-obscure federal standard.

But I take hope from this verse in Obadiah - and I think this may be the only reason Obadiah is in the bible.

"The remnant of the saved in Mount Zion
will go into the mountains of Esau
And rule justly and fairly,
a rule that honors God's kingdom." -Obadiah 1:21 (The Message)

In other words, in the end, only leaders who honor God will remain. So, no matter what I do, what I learn, how much I don't know about my new challenge, I think I just need to honor God and I will persevere. Maybe I'm taking this verse too far out of context, but it's comfort for me today.

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