Friday, December 26, 2008

Happy Boxing Day!

Well, it's December 26 and I'm back at work. Boxing Day is the official name of the holiday today, and I always wondered where it came from.

Did it have something to do with the Boxer rebellion? Is it a traditional day on which to hold a WBA title fight?

Actually, it was originally a day where the wealthy would give gifts to the less fortunate- perhaps after they were visited by the ghosts of Christmases past, present and future? Or, maybe after they get what they want for Christmas and give their hand-me-downs to the poor.

In our house, there's no doubt what Boxing day is. That's the day my wife takes all of our Christmas ornaments and puts them in boxes to haul to the basement, so that after the 6 weeks of Christmas in our house, the furniture can find it's rightful place in the living room again. In fact, I assume by the time I get home this afternoon, the only remnants of Christmas in our house will be a few pine needles, the stacks of boxes and bags to go to Goodwill, and the two Christmas candles on the bookshelf she overlooked. We'll see.

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