Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The Beauty of Creation

So, yesterday, Benetta and I went hiking in Sedona, Arizona. It has to be the most beautiful place in the US, if not the world.

We had been there before, back in 1998. Then, we hiked Boynton Canyon, which I remember being beautiful, but not like this time. Yesterday, we hiked along the West Fork of Oak Creek, with it's stunning red rock formations and a liquid blue sky.

Part of the fascination yesterday stems from the absolutely perfect weather we had- mid-sixties, a few puffy clouds - ideal for hiking. But, part of it is that I am in a much better place spiritually than I was then. Last time I hiked Sedona, I was "communing with nature." This time, I was communing with God. Throughout the hike, I couldn't help but think of how awesome and powerful and totally artistic our God is. What a wonderful maker! A verse kept coming to mind from the book of Job. If you don't know the story, here's what happens... Job (pronounced Jobe) is a godly man, and satan thinks he can lure him away. So, the deceiver goes to God to get permission to try. God has faith that Job is a good man, so He agrees. Satan takes everything from Job- his family, his possessions, his livestock, his Bentley- everything. Then, after 37 chapters of Job's "friends" trying to figure out what Job must have done wrong to make this happen, and Job's crying out to God for answers, God decides, in chapter 38, to answer. Here's how it goes...

"Where were you when I created the earth?
Tell me, since you know so much!
Who decided on its size? Certainly you'll know that!
Who came up with the blueprints and measurements?
How was its foundation poured,
and who set the cornerstone,
While the morning stars sang in chorus
and all the angels shouted praise?
And who took charge of the ocean
when it gushed forth like a baby from the womb?
That was me! I wrapped it in soft clouds,
and tucked it in safely at night.
Then I made a playpen for it,
a strong playpen so it couldn't run loose,
And said, 'Stay here, this is your place.
Your wild tantrums are confined to this place.' "- Job 38:4-11 (the Message)

You can read the whole chapter here. God basically says, "Hey, I got this, don't worry. You don't understand anything, do you?"

Sometimes, I feel just like Job. When I question God about why something's happening in my life, why things aren't going the way I would like, I am really just doubting His soverignty. I think God is not in control. Then, I look around at what he's done... what He's done in my life in the last 10 years, what He's done with the earth, and making everything fit together and work together so perfectly and beautifully, and I'm reminded that I am not the one to question God. After all, where was I when he created the earth?

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