Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Making little trees out of big ones

“This is what the Sovereign Lord says: I will take a branch from the top of a tall cedar, and I will plant it on the top of Israel’s highest mountain. It will become a majestic cedar, sending forth its branches and producing seed. Birds of every sort will nest in it, finding shelter in the shade of its branches. And all the trees will know that it is I, the Lord, who cuts the tall tree down and makes the short tree grow tall. It is I who makes the green tree wither and gives the dead tree new life. I, the Lord, have spoken, and I will do what I said!”- Ezekiel 17:22-24

It is God, not I, that makes things grow. But in order to do this, he will sometimes kill something off. This is a concept I struggle with in my life from time to time.

Right now, it seems like there are some things in my life that are dying. Stuff at work, and other things that just seem to be withering away. Fortunately, the important things are still strong. But this verse spoke to me today. Maybe what God is doing is killing some things off in my life so that something else can grow better. Maybe He has to cut down a majestic tree that has stopped growing, and plant a part of that in some soil somewhere else, so that it may grow and flourish and become majestic again.

How about you? Do things in your life seem gloomy? Is there something that is dying and you don't understand why? Is there something that you need to kill so that something else can grow stronger? Think about it.

Most of us trust God when he's growing the little trees in our lives. How many of us trust Him when he's cutting down the big ones?

1 comment:

Mrs. Benton said...

Sometimes trusting the Lord is the hardest thing to do. But I have seen the Lord ripping things down in my life, things that I didn't see getting in the way of my relationship with Christ. But as they are getting pulled out I do see how I was slowly building a wall one brick at a time. Sometimes I feel like God takes the top brick off and there are other times that he pulls one from the bottom which makes that wall tumble down. In the end I'm grateful for the tumble, but sometimes it feels like it takes forever to emerge from the rubble.