Tuesday, February 3, 2009

On mildew, skin diseases, and other important stuff

So, it's February, so I must be reading Leviticus.

One of the parts of the bible that can be very difficult for young believers is all the rules and regulations regarding the seemingly mundane and unimportant- how to deal with a skin disease, what to do if you find mildew in your house, what happens if you have a wet dream, etc. Leviticus covers this in great detail.

While it's really hard to understand the cultural relevance all this stuff had at the time, we can learn a few things by reading this part of the bible: (1) This stuff mattered to people. Skin diseases, mildew, bleeding, could be a matter of life and death, or at least very serious discomfort. Therefore, (2) It mattered to God, because he cares about us and what happens in our lives. Since these rules about sacrifices to atone for diseases and such are very clear, precise, and involved, then we can (3) thank God for grace, that he loves us enough to take the burdens off us and put them on His son, who died so we don't have to atone for this stuff anymore.

It may seem archaic reading about these early rituals, but it sure makes me appreciate the sacrifice Jesus made for me. How about you?

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Leviticus is usually where I get lost (in translation) in my way through the Bible. Maybe the point is to be thankful we no longer have to do those things.