Wednesday, May 14, 2008

How fast are you?

So, I recently took a typing test. Not bad, I can type 64 words per minute. Much faster than when I took typing in high school. The point is, though, I can only remember about 10 of the words I had to type for that test. My speed is one thing, but my retention leaves something to be desired.

The same is true for my reading of the Bible. Anyone who follows this blog may have noticed that I haven't had many posts the last two weeks. I have been keeping up (mostly) with my reading, but the strain of reading five pages per day of the Bible has made me more focused on finishing the task and less attentive to what God would have me learn in the text. I am in the middle of 1 Samuel now, and I know that the Israelites are at war with the Philistines, and I know that Saul is king, and that Johnathan is showing his worth (even though he'll never be king), but I am not getting what I should get out of the text. I probably need to take the time, turn off the TV, pray, then read. If you're stuck, I recommend you do the same. I'll let you know how it goes.


Steve Davis said...


Steve Wallen said...

Holy cow! I knew you'd be faster than I was, but whoa!