Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Church is not really church

Forgive me for saying so, but I don't think a bunch of people sitting around looking at a stage is what Jesus really had in mind for his bride. I don’t think that a nice stage and soft chairs and good music – not too loud, not to quiet, with just the right "Jesus quotient" – is what God wants from us -his church. I don’t want to be presumptuous, but I don’t think Jesus would be happy with the mindset that a 20 minute sermon is about right, 25 is too long. Please, I’m sorry if I offend you, but I don’t think an hour and fifteen minutes on Sunday morning is really why Christ chose to hang on nails for us.

If you Don’t believe me, look at his ministry. Jesus taught, yes, but not in a cozy auditorium. He went out and taught among the people. And while he was there, he touched them, he healed them, he fed them, he was in their lives. The church would do well to try just a little to be like Jesus. The church should be a living, breathing thing – the bride of Christ – not a place we go and Do Church. The church should be a force, not a fortress. And, if we’re all in, it can be an unstoppable force for good and can help bring God’s kingdom to earth.

By the way, if you want to hear from someone who's more eloquent than I on this, please go to Rob Wegner's Blog.

1 comment:

Jim Vieceli said...

Amen! Abosultely. Church is not a service, a production or a show. It is a relationship. It is an organism. Ephesians 4 is the model or the blue prints for the Body of Christ. Every local church can only do its best to approximate this.