Monday, August 31, 2009

God in the whisper

If you're at all like me, (and for your sake, I hope you're not) you may doubt God from time to time. Maybe you're in a situation you don't like or don't understand, or maybe you're searching for direction in some part of your life, or maybe you just want to know if He's listening to your prayers. My tendency is often to pray for a sign. Lord, just show me who you are... show me that you are God.

But, as I read scripture, I really need to stop praying this. Have you done this lately? Look how God often proves Himself. It's almost always with death and destruction. There are very few fleece moments in the bible. It's more like this:

And they will know that I am the LORD, when their people lie slain among their idols around their altars...

You will fall by the sword, and I will execute judgment on you at the borders of Israel. Then you will know that I am the LORD.

The inhabited towns will be laid waste and the land will be desolate. Then you will know that I am the LORD.

If it's been awhile since you read the bible, think about it. Do you remember a passage that says, "I will deliver the job into your hands, then you will know that I am the LORD?" Or how about, "I will heal your ailing spouse/child/brother then you will know that I am the LORD?" Or even, "I will present to you the lottery numbers BEFORE they are drawn, then you will know that I am the LORD?" No. I mean there is the staff turning into a snake thing. And the time that Elijah called on God to set the altar ablaze. But generally, in scripture, the LORD makes Himself known in ways that we wouldn't really want to see Him. But, it also means that He has the power to make Himself known.

So, what does this mean for us? It means we need to have faith. Faith that His plan is better than ours. Faith that he's the same God He has been- yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Faith that He's still on His throne.

When nothing wheron to lean remains,
When strongholds crumble to dust;
When nothing is sure but that God still reigns,
That is just the time to trust.

'Tis better to walk by faith than sight,
In this path of yours and mine;
And the pitch-black night, when there's no outer light
Is the time for faith to shine.
- Joseph Parker

God has told us who He is, and He's probably shown you in your life time and again. Maybe you can't hear him now because life SCREAMS at you. Your circumstances YELL at you to ignore that still small voice inside your head. But, scripture tells us that God is in the whisper. Be still and listen... and know that He is God.

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